How to Make the Most of Your College Winter Break

November 21, 2023

Categories: Succeeding In College

african american drinking coffee winter day

How to Make the Most of Your College Winter Break

Winter break can be a refreshing respite for college students, offering a much-needed break from the rigors of academic life. However, especially as adult life affords so few periods of ex-tended free time, it's a good idea to capitalize on yours by preparing for the upcoming semester and setting yourself up for success in other ways. Here are some things to do during winter break to help you make the most of your time out of class.

Winter Break Ideas for College Students

Here are some productive things to do once you've had your fill of holiday festivities.

Work on Your Health and Well-being
  • Physical health. Schedule any due or overdue medical appointments. Make a point of seek-ing out nutritious meals and recipes. Get some exercise and plan how you can incorpo-rate it into your schedule back at school.
  • Mental health. Take time to focus on your mental health, especially if you've been feeling stressed. Unplug from screens and engage in activities that rejuvenate you, like hiking, painting, or simply getting more sleep.
Take Time for Personal Development
  • Learn a new life skill. Use the break to master some skills that will serve you well in the fu-ture. Cooking can be a rewarding and practical skill to acquire, as can sewing or knitting, basic household DIY, or good personal finance habits.
  • Learn for pleasure. Take a break from academic reading and dive into books that interest you. Consider taking up a new indoor or outdoor hobby, such as recreational activities (like camping, boating, hiking, or skiing) or creative endeavors (like woodworking, craft-ing, or writing fiction).
Maintain Important Relationships
  • Reconnect with old friends. Plan gatherings or digital dates to catch up with friends from your past.
  • Make time for family. Use the break to spend quality time with family and address any potential conflicts proactively.
Take Advantage of Financial Opportunities
  • Seasonal employment. Many retailers offer seasonal jobs during the holidays. This can be a great way to earn some extra cash, build your r√©sum√© and job skills, and potentially expand your professional network.
  • Freelance or "side hustles." Use your skills to offer paid services like babysitting, pet sitting, driving for a rideshare company, assisting with a social media campaign, or even starting a small online business.
Prepare for a New Semester and a Future Career
  • Scholarship applications. Use the free time to apply for scholarships you might have missed during the busy academic season.
  • Preparation for next semester's classes. If possible, consider acquiring text lists for next semester's classes and getting a jumpstart on any required reading.
  • "Next step" research. Do research on and start thinking about your options after college, whether that means graduate school, a job, travels abroad, or something else.
  • Internships. Winter break is an excellent time to engage in short-term internships or job shadowing to gain experience in your field.
 Make the Most of Your College Experience With On Point for College

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